Well - Binkley Fans - I guess its time to do a number on OMMM.ST. Oh God. This is not as easy as it looks. The first thing you have to understand is that the use of OMMM is VERY dependant on what YOU want to do and WHEN you want to do it. I can't give you a setup that will work for everyone. All I can do is tell you what I have and how I set it up and what it does. Hopefully that will give you the edge you need to get it going on your system. OK. The first thing you need to understand is what OMMM does. Since Binkley does not know from 'routes' and there is a thing in FIDO called Continous Mail, you have to be able to control when and where your echo and matrix mail goes out. It wouldn't be a good thing if your Echo-hub accepted CM and then everytime you had a message entered in an echo base Binkley turned around and made the call to deliver the mail. Most NETS have set up a specific time for you to call and send your echo mail and matrix mail. If you have your node number then your NC should have told you about this. Here in New York it works like this: 03:00 03:30 call hub to deliver matrix mail (107/600) 03:30 04:00 call ogate to deliver any matrix mail that didnt get to the hub (107/99) 04:00 05:00 National Mail Hour (I make my own calls here) 05:00 06:00 Receive Mail By arrangement with my ECHO hub (107/6000 .. different than the regular hub) I deliver echo mail at 9:00 am. The whole point here is that I have to be able to tell Binkley NOT to send Echo Mail until then AND I have to be able to re-route any other mail to my regular HUB or my OGATE or make the call myself. This is what OMMM is for. To get OMMM to work takes coordination with your Binkley.Evt schedule and .bat files set up to make OMMM do different things. The first thing I will show you is my OMMM.CTL file ... and explain what each function does and why. Then I'll list the event schedule and when I call that .bat file. First here is the OMMM.CTL: Sched A \ This is the first thing I do at 3:00 am. Leave 107/6000 | I 'leave' all the mail to my echo so that Binkley UnHold OTHERS | doesn't inadvertently send it somewhere. Then I UnHold 107/600 | 'unhold' any mail to my hub. And finally reroute ArcaddCM 107/600 WORLD / ANY other mail through 107/600. Sched B \ At 3:30 I first run a .bat file to rename 107/600 as ArcaddCM 107/99 WORLD / 107/99 and then add ANY other mail to the arc. Sched C \ At 4:00 I 'hold' all mail (if any) going OUTSIDE my NormHold Others | net. I make sure MY net is not being held. I do how- UnHold Ournet | ever hold mail to 107/600 as he is also trying to NormHold 107/600 / call OUT at this time. This is NMH. Schedule E \ This is what I do at 9:00 am to get my echo mail. I Send 107/6000 | first use "send" to cancel the 'leave' command. I make UnHold 107/6000 | sure the mail is not 'held'. And then I use poll in Poll 107/6000 | case there isn't any mail to send anyway. This way I am / sure of calling the node. Schedule F \ This section runs after EVERY time someone is on the ArcHold 107/6000 | BBS. Simply - it ARCS and HOLDS all the mail to / 107/6000 which is the node I have in my echo bases. Now, there are a number of .bat files that go along with this control file. Some of them are to rename files so that they can be processed by OMMM as in Schedule B above. Some of them work with OMMM itself to configure it to the different situations. All of them are called by BTST.BAT. The relevant sections of my BTST.BAT file and the other .bat files are all listed below with explanations: if ERRORLEVEL 74 goto echo-mail if ERRORLEVEL 73 goto ommm_mymail if ERRORLEVEL 72 goto ommm_ogate if ERRORLEVEL 71 goto ommm_hub This is the section of the BTST.BAT file where I define the errorlevels for each run of OMMM. We'll start with the first; IF ERRORLEVEL 71 GOTO ommm_hub : :ommm_hub :unhold mail to 107/600 107600 I: cd \Starnet hub goto start OK. The line that reads 107/600 is a .bat file located in the BINKLEY folder and looks like this: cd \Binkley\Net\Out\ if exists 006B0258.hlo rename 006B0258.hlo 006B0258.clo What this does is rename a HOLDING mail packet addressed to 107/600 as Continous Mail adressed to 107/600. Please remember that ALL mail is addressed using HEX. If you can get a PD Binary/Hex converter it will help alot! Next line in ERRORLEVEL 71 says change to the STARNET directory and run the HUB.BAT. You will note that I have pretty much named the .bat files with keywords so that I can remember what I am doing to what. The HUB.Bat looks like this: OMMM.PRG -cI:\STARNET\OMMM.CTL -hC:\BINKLEY\NET\OUT -iC:\BINKLEY\BINKLEY.PRM -mI:STARNET\MESSAGES\MATRIX\ -z1 -sA Looks like alot of gibberish right? Here's what its doing. We call OMMM.PRG and then define the parameters to run it. The -c defines where the configuration for OMMM is. The -h defines where the OUTGOING mail is located. The -i defines where the parameters for locating the nodelist. It is created when you run BT.CTL. The -m defines where your MATRIX mail is. The -z defines your ZONE. And finally - the -s tells OMMM what schedule to run. This is pretty much standard for ALL the .bat files called by OMMM. The only area that will change is the -s for the schedules. The above is calling SCHEDULE A in OMMM.CTL and if you look back you'll see what I have told OMMM to do. I call this errorlevel in the BINKLEY.EVT at 3:00 AM to run until 3:30 AM when I do the next step (ie: Schedule B) PLEASE NOTE: THE ABOVE COMMAND LINE MUST BE ALL ON ONE (1) LINE. IF YOU INSERT A CARRIAGE RETURN YOU WILL BOMB!!!!!! FLASH CAN HANDLE THIS NICELY. PLEASE REMEMBER THIS. THE OMMM .BAT FILES MUST ALL BE ONE LINE NO MATTER HOW LONG IT IS!!! So now you have an idea of what's happening. Following are all the other .bat files with the errorlevel that calls them. From the above explanation I think you'll be able to understand what's happening: ERRORLEVEL 72: ------------- :ommm_ogate :rename mail from 107/600 to 107/99 10799 I: cd \Starnet ogate goto start 10799.BAT: --------- cd \binkley\net\out\ if exists 006B0258.clo rename 006B0258.clo 006B0063.clo OGATE.BAT: --------- THIS IS THE SAME AS FOR 'HUB.BAT' EXCEPT THAT YOU CHANGE THE -sA TO -sB. ERRORLEVEL 73: ------------- :ommm_mymail :rename mail from 107/99 to 107/600 and hold it and send net 107 mail hold600 I: cd \starnet mymail goto start HOLD600.BAT: ----------- cd \binkley\net\out\ if exists 006B0063.clo rename 006B0063.clo 006B0258.hlo MYMAIL.BAT: ---------- change to SCHEDULE C ERRORLEVEL 74: (note: this is where I call my echomail Hub at 9:00 am) ------------- :echo-mail :send echo to 107/6000 I: cd \starnet echomail goto start ECHOMAIL.BAT: ------------ change to SCHEDULE E And that's what I do to my Echo and Matrix mail. There is one thing left which is the HOLDECHO command. Those of you who got my file on BINKLEY will have noticed that there was a .bat file called after I ran FOREM or STARGATE called HOLDECHO. All this is is calling OMMM and executing SCHEDULE F. You must run this whenever there is an opportunity for a user or yourself to have entered a message in Stargate. Simply make the .bat file in your STARGATE folder and set it up for OMMM as above and be sure to call -sF. Then you just put the neccessary commnds in your BTST.BAT file to change to STARGATE's directory and run the .bat file. Its that simple. Following is my BINKLEY.EVT just so you can see what I am doing at what time. Please note that in FIDO if you observe Eastern Daylight Time, all the times for MAIL events must ALSO be pushed ahead one hour .. so that you will match with the rest of the system. ; Binkley Schedule for BTST 1.0 ; Event All 00:00 00:02 E1=68 ;Forem_reset ;Daily.bat Event All 00:02 02:00 B E1=31 E2=90 E3=89 ;Late Night Event All 02:00 04:00 B E1=170 E2=90 E3=89;F-NET Event All 04:00 04:30 M C X N A=100 E1=71 E2=90 E3=89 ; MAIL SCHEDULE H (OMMM A) Event All 04:30 05:00 M C X N A=100 E1=72 E2=90 E3=89 ; MAIL SCHEDULE G (OMMM B) Event All 05:00 06:00 M X A=100 E1=73 E2=90 E3=89 ; NMH-MAIL SCHEDULE T (OMMM C) Event All 06:00 07:00 R E1=31 E2=90 E3=89 ; MAIL SCHEDULE W & V Event All 07:00 07:20 A=600 E1=69 E2=90 E3=89 ; Crossnet & Fmaint.bat Event All 07:20 09:10 B L<350 A=600 E1=31 E2=90 E3=89 ;Daytime Event All 09:10 10:00 A=30 E1=74 E2=90 E3=89 ;Call 107/6000 for EchoMail(OMMM E) Event All 10:00 10:15 E1=75 E2=90 E3=89 ;Process Echo Mail(Run MAIL2.TOS) Event All 10:15 19:00 B L=350 A=600 E1=31 E2=90 E3=89 ;Daytime Event All 19:00 23:59 B A=600 E1=31 E2=90 E3=89 ;Evening AND THAT'S IT!! I hope this helps you understand what OMMM does and how you make it do it. As always I am available for comment or help. And if I have made any glaring errors or typos somebody PLEASE tell me. I don't want to confuse anyone more than they already are!! (grin) In addition - for more in depth descriptions of the commands used in OMMM.CTL please refer to the manual. As I said - each person will need to do a different thing. Some of you may only need to hold your echo mail and nothing else. Thanks!! Laurie Fnet #297 Fido #107/606